HPE Is Upping Its Everything-As-A Service Partner Ready Vantage Game

‘At the end of the day, we want partners to develop their own solutions that drive business outcomes around these technologies with their own innovation. These competencies enable them to do that,’ said HPE Worldwide Senior Vice President of Partner Programs Jesse Chavez. ‘The competencies are based on hybrid cloud, edge and AI. We want partners to take our innovation, get enabled through competencies with their own value added services and IP’

HPE Is Upping Its Everything-As-A Service Partner Ready Vantage Game
‘At the end of the day, we want partners to develop their own solutions that drive business outcomes around these technologies with their own innovation. These competencies enable them to do that,’ said HPE Worldwide Senior Vice President of Partner Programs Jesse Chavez. ‘The competencies are based on hybrid cloud, edge and AI. We want partners to take our innovation, get enabled through competencies with their own value added services and IP’